Saturday 5 November 2011


The wrasses are marine fishes, which belong to the family, Labridae. Many of the species of this family are beautiful and bright-colored. This family is very large and consists of over 600 species in 82 genera. These are further divided into nine subgroups or tribes. These fishes are usually small and most of them grow up to a size of less than 20 cm in length. These fishes are carnivores and feed on wide range of small invertebrates. These species can be recognized by their thick lips. Wrasse fish have protractile mouths and separate jaw teeth. They have distinct jaw characteristics. The inside of the lips are curiously folded. Their dorsal fin consists of (8 to 21) spines and (6 to 21) soft rays. Wrasses live in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. They are usually found in the shallow water habitats such as coral reefs and rocky shores.

Wrasses Reproduction / Breeding
These wrasses are found to be hermaphrodites, which means they can behave with either of the characteristics, i.e., male or female. There are three different mating systems in these species namely lek-like, polygynous, and promiscuous mating systems. As they are hermaphrodites they spawn in pairs and group. Large amount of eggs are released in the mating process. Their planktonic eggs move with the tidal currents and thus have no relation to their adults.
Wrasses Varieties
Some of the most famous varieties of the wrasses are as follows:
Humphead Wrasses: It is found in the coral reefs of Indo-Pacific region. It has thick-fleshy lips and a hump on its head above its eyes. The males of these species grow up to 2 meters and females grow up to 1 meter.
Sixline Wrasses: These are beautiful and less aggressive fishes. Sixline wrasse grows up to a size of around 3 inches and found mainly in Indo-Pacific region.
Scott’s Fairy Wrasses: They have beautiful coloration on their body and they grow up to a size of 5.1 inches. These wrasses are found in western, south and Central Pacific region.
Fourline Wrasses: These wrasses grow up to a size of 2.9 inches. They are found in western and central Pacific region.
Eightline Wrasses: These are the most aggressive species in their group. These wrasses grow up to a size of 3.5 inches and are found mainly in Red Sea.
Blue Spotted Wrasses: These fishes are non- aggressive fishes and are very good- looking fish. They grow up to a size of 16.5 inches and are found mostly in Indo-Pacific region.
Candycane Wrasses: These are one of the most beautiful species in their family. They like to live in group and can grow up to a size of 15 inches in length. These wrasse fish are generally found in Indo-Pacific region.
Yellowtail Wrasses: These wrasses are quite peaceful fishes and grow to length of about 13cm. They are carnivorous and are found in Indo-Pacific region.

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